About Me

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I am a wife to a wonderful husband, a mom to two beautiful boys. I have two stubborn, needy dogs. I don't have many hobbies. Im currently unemployed but so happy to be a SAHM. I'm thankful everyday for all that God has provided and all that He has blessed me with.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

What to say, what not to say

Every day is different, every hour is different. It's weird to not be in control of my emotions all the time. I went shopping for my sister's baby shower present. Yes, my sister is pregnant. I'm so happy for her but it does hurt and I find myself getting jealous. What a horrible emotion, jealousy. Makes me sick. I pray continually for guidance but for now I've removed myself from all things baby, including my own sister, which is very hard. I know it will not always be this way. She knows I love her and I do talk with her on the phone often. For now my sources of comfort are Steve and other moms who have experienced loss of an infant. I'm so happy for my support system and the constant prayers. Please keep them coming, but it's so hard for others to relate and their first instinct is to try and make me happy or "fix" it. There is no fixing this and when I'm having a difficult day the last thing I want is someone trying to make me happy. I do appreciate the attempt but I just need people to understand that I won't be completely okay for sometime. People keep telling me they don't know what to say and then there are some who say whatever comes to their mind, insensitive or not. If you ever encounter someone who has suffered a loss of an infant and/or pregnancy here are a few things you should stay away from:
"It was meant to be"
"Something's was probably wrong with the baby"
"Everything happens for a reason" - although she may come to that realization later in she doesn't want to hear that now.
"You're still young, you can have more" & "You can try again" - you may not know all of their business and perhaps not all couples can have another.
"It wasn't even a baby"
"At least you know you can get pregnant"
"You can always adopt"
"It was a blessing in disguise"
"At least your baby is in heaven" and "it was God's plan" - although this may bring comfort someday and is very true, it's not something someone who has lost a baby wants to hear straight after a loss
"At least your baby doesn't have to live in this awful world"
"God doesn't make mistakes"
"It's better to have loved and lost"
"I just don't know how God chooses who is worthy"
"I know how you feel"

Please do say:

"I'm here for you"
"I'm so sorry for your loss"
"If you need me I'm here"
"Tell me about your son/daughter"
"I'm praying for you"
"I don't know what to say but I'm here for you"
OR just a giving them a hug. That has meant the most to me.

All grieve differently and not all of this is the same for everyone. Please do not take offense. I'm not trying to be mean but rather informative. Thank you for taking the time to read. I appreciate all of you.

I am thankful for my family. I am thankful for my friends. I am blessed to have carried such a precious child of God.

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